can a positive test be wrong???

I'm new to all this!!! I'm due on my period 1/2 march today is the 25th February I got fed up of waiting so I've done a clearblue digital test first thing this morning and it said positive 1-2 weeeks I'm in shock as I'm having cramps like I'm due on and two nights ago after sex I had some very light pink fluid I still don't know what this could be?? I had only a little for not even 24 hours. I think because I'm in shock I'm still doubting the positive result could be wrong and because I've tested early!! Please someone tell me could this be wrong?? I've already got three beautiful girls but always waited till a missed period to test but this will be my last so I couldn't resist doing the test early and plus we have been planning this with my clear ovulation test kit ( which I've also never used before ) please could a positive result be wrong??? Good luck to all the mummy's still trying 😘🦋