Refusing the boob

So I just got over a nasty norovirus that tapped my milk supply and my EBF baby has decided to reject the boob now. It's just so much easier and faster for him to eat his fill from a bottle. He gets so mad, screaming at the top of his lungs if I try to keep offering him the boob, so I cave and give him the bottle. Luckily my production has been great up to this point so I have plenty of frozen milk. My milk is slowly coming back in with pumping 5-6 times a day, but it's so much more work! The only time he'll still nurse is for comfort at night sometimes. It makes me sad that our breastfeeding journey is coming to an end so early because I love the sweet bonding time, and it's so many less steps than pumping and preparing bottles! What has everyone else's breastfeeding journey been like? Any tips or suggestions? Is there any hope I could get him back to taking the boob or the bottle equally as eagerly?