"anything yet?!" vs "how are you feeling?"

I now know how to communicate with a mother near or past her due date. Ask her "how's it going?" "How are you?" "Wanna vent?" and recognize she's a person who is probably not in a great mood and even more excited for the baby than you are because ya know, it's hers. 
Not "anything yet?!" "No baby yet?!" as if she's just a vessel for the thing you really want and she's holding it up on purpose. 
I now know this because I appreciate anyone who has asked me this week how I'm feeling and want to rip apart with my bare hands anyone who asked me "anything yet??"
My due date is not for 3 more days. Why have you been asking me "anything yet" for ten days?
Please kindly all go push your own watermelon out of your vagina then.