Best hairstyle while on vacation?

So i head out to Puerto Rico very soon. I'm super excited but i'm so indecisive on what i should do with my hair. 
 so for one, i have thick curly hair. But i have Alopecia (when i stress i start getting bald spots which over lap) & they've been growing like crazy so i can't really put my hair up or anything. so i started to look at wigs and found a 360 lace wig for the first time. so before i buy this wig i need some opinions from people that are more educated on wigs while in vacation and can lmk which would be the best hair decision while on vacation?  
(if you chose the wig, it would be 10x helpful to give me some advice on installing and etc since this is my first wig)
first picture is of my hair, other is the wig!

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