Staying in hospital until Monday... :(


So I had my little man on the 23 at 3:15am but have been in hospital since Wednesday evening. Was rushed into theatre for an assisted delivery with forceps as baby was stuck with me pushing for over 3 hours and all only gas and air! I've now been discharged but baby is having antibiotics for an infection and we're all staying on the neonatal ward in a family room which is amazing cus it means daddy can stay over and help out!

I've had a lot of stitches and it's very painful down there, I've not had my first poop yet but I've passed a lot of gas so I think things are working back there. It's just the stitches and that whole area feel so sore and I'm finding it difficult to sit for too long but I can't stand or walk for too long either... Anyone got any advice on how to help soothe the pain down thee bare in mind I'm stuck in hospital.