Porn addiction recovery

Alright so my my husband has or had a porn addiction before he met me and then when we met he cut it way back. We have been together a year and he didn't tell me this was a problem until like October (he made it sound like this was a problem before) then in early January he admitted to watching it hurt but we moved passed it but I always felt like I couldnt trust him. A few days ago he admitted that after he told me I. January we watched henti because he thought it wouldn't count (?) and he told me that he had an actual addiction before and it was way more frequent then what he said in January. So I was crushed again mainly because of dishonesty no intimacy and feeling disconnected he was really upset and he was crying really hard about this broke my heart it was so sad to watch he said he didn't want to lose me and he didn't want to hurt me. I love him so much and im really glad he talked to me about it now he is really focused and motivated about getting better staying away he even wants to be more intouch with religion and talk to a professional to help us rebuild our trust and intimacy so now we are just trying to move forward and I really hope he stays honest im really proud of him for this

So any tips or advice to help better us would be very much appreciated

Thanks ❤❤❤