I have taken 5 tests between yesterday and today, yesterday a walmart and clearblue but with vvf positives. The clearblue is so faint i cant even get a hint of it to show in photos it is super light. The walmart was very faint but visible and continued to get darker ad the test dried. Today fmu i did another clearblue which may have been even fainter, literally just baaaarely noticeable, but still noticeable, and the walmart fmu was maybe a little lighter than the one from last night. The 3rd walmart test i took after dinner today, i hadnt held my urine and had gone maybe 2 hours earlier but only drank 1 beverage in between and took it expecting the worst but knowing it could be diluted i just have been upset all day that the fmu was lighter than the night before. The after dinner 1 was very fainy at 3 mins but by the time i washed my hands and picked it up to look closer it was as visible as it is in the photo, that is when i took this pic. Still a faint positive but almost the same as yesterday. I am very scared that the lines havent appeared darker and may even be lighter but also now i am questioning all of it. Were the clear blue so faint bc they are not early detection? Or are the walmarts only visible bc they are cheap and not accurate? I got what i believe was my positive
opk 12 and 11 days ago so i assume i am 12dpo. Anyone have experience with these brands? Hard to imagine they could all be errors but also hard to pretend everythings ok without the line progressing. Last 2 photos tweaked to try and show you all the lines, the clearblue is basically impossible to show bc it is so faint and the light reflects off of the window but it is VVVVVF