I think I'm infertile and I'm so scared!!

Tameka-Leigh • 22 | Bailee-maè my gorgeous daughter | 16.03.18 | I am now engaged !

It's nice to see positive tests and baby dust everywhere!! But me on the other hand have been trying for nearly 3 years now 😔😔 I'm scared that I'm going to be infertile because me and my boyfriend deserve this I think but I don't think it's happening..

We have so much love for one another I think we need to expand but the thought is still there at the back of my head.. Can I even conceive??

I've been diagnosed with pcos last year and they said it's rare for a women my size because I'm average not too thin or obese, I don't know if I'm ovulating, I've took the ovulation tests before hand and I've had a couple of lines but never caught, I still have the discharge when you are supposedly fertile but I'm young and confused.

Any advice