AF WTF?? 😡😭

So I was on my 2nd month TTC & was excited for AF to finish so that we could try again... well mid cycle I'm there checking my cm & doing my opks & they never started getting darker although my cm was runny like EWCM. I'm thinking I'm about to ovulate, but instead I start spotting Thursday night & im thinking i either ovulated sooner & was having IB but as the days passed i was still spotting... i wake up today to bloody underwear and plenty of blood on the toilet paper when I wiped... i technically was only on CD 24 & im starting my period? Glow predicted I wouldn't start until like March 11th. Only thing I can think of is i used some progesterone cream for a few days mid cycle & wonder if it reset my cycle or something... well we'll try again next month. 😩😭😭