TTC after testicular cancer

I am 32 years old. My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer June 2013 three months before our wedding in September. He had one testicle removed and he did get one round of chemotherapy to prevent it from coming back (without was up to a 40% chance and he couldnt live like that). So far check ups have been great and we did bank and freeze some sperm with advice from his oncologist because there was a small chance he could be infertile from the chemo. We have been TTC our first baby coming up on month 4 of trying and this will be only the second cycle of using OPKs (the first month using them AF came 😞). Anyone have any experience with this? How long should we ttc before seeking MD advice? At my last OBGYN check up I casually brought it up and she suggested 6 months but that seems so short but I also don't want to waste time either because of my age and we are ready to have a baby. Any experience with this would be great. I'm not stressing about it quite yet, but want to know what I am getting into. Thanks.