Symptoms at 9 weeks?

So I am 9w4d, and feel like my symptoms are fading - I have had nausea, extreme fatigue and sore boobs (they are still tender but don't feel as swollen anymore). Has anyone else had this and still had a healthy pregnancy?
I have also started having what I would describe as 'grumbles' in my belly, just under my belly button. I suppose this could be gas but just feels weird.
I went for an early scan on 17th feb and everything was normal with a good heartbeat, but I can't help feeling something might be wrong - I was on medication for a UTI (confirmed safe by gp and midwife) but am still a little worried.
My next scan isn't until March 20th so have a little while to wait! 
Any advice or previous experiences would be really helpful. Thank you!! Xx