Conflicting (no judgement please. Just looking for honest advice)

So long story short. I am 12 days pp after giving birth to my daughter via natural delivery. I originally planned to have limited/ no visitors for the first week or two as my husband is off work and I just wanted time for us and baby to bond and get in a routine. It turns out I have problems with my milk supply so it's been a struggle with feedings. Anyway, my husband was not on board with the visitor thing at first but then later agreed. I told him I'll need to rest as well as I'll be sore and whatnot. I'd like to use the downtime between feedings for just that. Of course, his mother was very upset about that. She's super overbearing and always in our business. My parents agreed no problem and said they'd be there to help if we need. So about a month or so ago, my hubby tells me that his mom is having a hysterectomy. I had coffee with her and it turns out that she elected to have the hysterectomy instead of another procedure and she seemed to be at peace with it. Shortly after that, my hubby starts demanding that his mother be allowed to visit baby whenever since her surgery isshortly  after my due date. I end up delivering a week early. Of course, his parents show up at the hospital first thing. His mom is acting very hyper and constantly moving around the room with her, making me very nervous. I can't handle anymore so I told them it's feeding time so they will need to leave. The day we get home she is trying to come over but we needed to get settled. I guess she had been in our house while we were gone and moved stuff in her nursery. Ever since then, she has been harassing my hubby to come over. We've had several arguments since home which result in my bawling my eyes out. I'm so hurt that he doesn't see my side of things. I get she's having surgery but my health should matter too. I let them come over last week and she was trying to undo her sleeper, take her for a walk and would not stop kissing her face (she smokes and will not wash her hands unless asked). I don't even know what to do. Her surgery is this week and she'll be coming over again. I talked to the public health nurse about the kissing on the face and she said that it is a big no-no. There have been massive outbreaks of newborns with flues and she said it can be quite fatal in some cases. She told me if I have any issues, to blame her. My hubby says he relayed the message to his mother but I am not sure. I understand that she is going to be down for a couple of weeks but I get the worst anxiety whenever she is near my baby. Am I a horrible person for wanting a couple of weeks to myself? I don't think she's a terrible person but she is extremely pushy and overbearing and has no respect for boundaries. I noticed even my husband is afraid to stand up to her so she just does whatever she wants and he doesn't say anything. Any advice on how I should deal with this going forward?