Three week update

I haven't really said much since my daughter was born, but I need a place to vent. It seems like all the stress is starting to pack up on my shoulders 😔 Thankfully my little Juliana is three weeks old today and even though we've had two failed attempts at being extubated, she's thriving. She's still only about a 1 lb 8ish oz so my poor girl gets tired so easily, plus her PDA slightly reopened which is what doctors think is the reason that she's having such a hard time without the ventilator. The doctor said this was going to be hopefully the last time she'll have to be intubated but that we're gonna give her a week to bulk up and gain some weight and energy and hopefully by one month we'll see better results on sipap. Besides all that I sure am one tired mama 😔 being at the hospital everyday on top of pumping 40+ ounces of milk a day plus the stress of being a nicu mom is starting to catch up to me. I'm not sure if it's the lack of sleep or what but I sure have been moody the last few days. Hopefully this is just a phase.