found out my husband told people and lied

Hi guys,
I need to vent. I'm 13 weeks now and don't live near my parents. Was planning to go home in ten days and tell them the news! Super excited to not have it be a secret anymore. Except last night I found out that when my husband went home for a work related thing and I did not go, that he told his entire family and about 20 friends including work colleagues who I've never met that I'm pregnant. He did this at 8 weeks when I had no tests and we had no idea if this baby would stick around. And he did this after we talked about not telling people until we were in the clear. The worst part is that I told him if he really wanted to tell his mom and dad in person he could, but please let me know. Well he started there and didn't stop. And every time he told someone, a total of twenty people, he told them not to reach out to me because I was waiting to tell my parents. So not only did he leave me out of my own pregnancy and my own secret, not only did he betray my trust 20 individual times, he also got 20 people to keep it from me. 
I am so beyond hurt and betrayed I don't know what to do. What would you do? I need help, I can't understand the action and his lies.