I feel like a huge brat...

I'm a college student and tomorrow is my 21st birthday. This Saturday, I'm driving an hour away to where I'm from to have my birthday dinner with my family at a restaurant my sister chose... I don't really like the restaurant, but after the plans were made, I was just like sure whatever, I don't care... Aside from the party with my family, I was planning on going to eat and drink with my boyfriend tomorrow night. Well, my parents texted my boyfriend this morning and told him they made a dinner reservation at a nice restaurant in town for tomorrow night, but my mom asked him that he not tell me about it. Obviously my boyfriend told me because he knew how I'd feel about it... I feel like a huge brat because my parents are wanting to take me and my boyfriend to a nice restaurant on my birthday, but honestly what 21-year-old really wants to spend their birthday with their parents? It's really not even tomorrow night that bothers me, but it bothers me that 1) my mom didn't ask me because she knew I'd say no, and she feels like she HAS to see me on my 21st, and 2) we're already having a family party on Saturday at a restaurant I didn't choose and don't even like... Like I said, I feel like a huge bitch, and I'm not going to make my parents feel bad about it or even mention how I feel... But it's just kind of a downer for me on my actual birthday. I have a test and paper due tomorrow and a paper due Wednesday, so I'm already really busy as it is. I also have a test next week, but since I'm having the dinner with my family, I'll be gone Saturday and Saturday night... I just feel stressed and like no one ever asked me what I actually wanted to do for my 21st... Again, I feel like a huge brat, but I also feel like this birthday is supposed to be special and I'm just doing what my parents want to do for it, instead of what I actually want to do... It's just kind of put a downer on my week and I feel like this birthday isn't really what I anticipated it to be.