Seasonal Depression

I find it hard to post this because honestly its hard for me to admit that I need help/advice. For the past 3 years, I've been struggling with Seasonal Depression. I'm ok for a few months and then I'm not. The amount of time that I'm depressed changes frequently. Sometimes it's for a week and other times it's 2 months where everyday it's hard to laugh, I want to be alone, I experience fatigueness, and can be happy one moment and almost in tears the next. I wish I could point out a specific reason why this happens but honestly idky I am like this. I have a good job, amazing family, and was brought up in a loving home. I get lonely a lot but am not sure what to do. I hate to be the person that just jumps to depression medication as an answer because I'm scared of getting dependent on those and have heard that withdrawing from those is miserable. I'm going through depression now since January 2017 and just want your opinion of what I can do. I'm not suicidal I promise. Mainly sad and emotional all the time. Any advice please?? Thank you for reading this.