Give him another chance?


Yesterday I told my friend that I don't see my self being with him and I couldn't have a kid with him. He said he was going to kill himself and told me to call his Mom and tell her that he was sorry and he loves her. I start crying cause I do care about him but not like I want to date him. Well I have my Older Sister call his mom and tell her. One of his friends told me that he gave him a gun to kill himself, well I freaked out right. Well turns out he couldn't do it so I felt like all of it was a lie so I told his friend to tell him to leave me alone and get out my life, I'll find someone strong and not a Pu$$y. Well he jumped from a second floor window right and broke 4 ribs and fracture like 2 ribs. So his so called "friend" shared a picture of me on Facebook saying where I lived by and telling the SD ( saint disciples its a gang if you didn't know) to fu*k me up and I don't deserve to live. Well it was all to much for me. I cried myself to sleep. Today he message me saying "I'm sorry. I want to be with you. Can you forgive me. Please forgive me. He'll do anything for me." But I don't feel safe about what this friend said about me. I was to scared to walk to school today. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to hurt himself or hurt me. Should I take him back or what? Please comment your opinion

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