My Story didn't go as planned


1 month ago we went in for an Induction at 7 am. Things started out smoothly, and I was SLOWLY progressing. We finally got to a 4cm and got put on pitocin and had my water broken by 6 pm. By 9 on we were dilated to a 6. I finally got the Epidural after trying my hardest to not to get it until I absolutely had too. We hoped that the epidural would relax my body and get things rolling. Well things did not continue to progress. Indies heart rate would drop really low with each contraction and would take a long time to come back up. The dr talked to us about having a C-section and that they think it would be the right decision.  They doctors left the room and me and my husband talked and while we were talking my babies heart rate dropped so low that the room was rushed and filled with doctors and nurses throwing oxygen on me and rolling me from side to side to get her rate back up. That was the moment that I decided it was time to have a C-Section. Once they got her heart rate back up I asked the doctor to stay so I could talk to her and tell her my/our decision. I started to cry because this is not how I wanted to have my baby. To my surprise the doctor came over and hugged me telling me that it was going to be okay.  Then sat down on the edge of my bed and tell me that this is exactly how her first went and that she almost lost him because she waited to long and the cord was pinched and he wasn't get the right amount of oxygen and she started to cry explaining that she knows exactly how I feel, and that she promised. She will do everything she can to make this a wonderful experience that it is even though this is not how I planned it. Well on January 31 at 5:35  am this sweet girl was born. 6lbs 4 oz and 19 inches long. My husband left with the baby and they finished up my surgery. We laughed and had great conversation while they finished sewing me up. I'm finally in recovery waiting for my epidural to wear off so I can finally go back to my room and hold the cutest baby in the world. About 30 into recovery I see my very tired husband walk in smiling the biggest I've ever seen pushing our gorgeous little girl. We tried to breastfeed but I was still to numb and couldn't do it. The time as come for me to go back to my room!! It is now 2 hours post surgery. I haven't slept in almost 12 hours. And I just want to hold my baby!!! I'm rolled in and there she is, just sleeping all swaddles up. I can't move, I'm sore and hooked up to pain meds and wires. My husband hands her to me and for the first time since her being born, I actually get to feel her skin, kiss her head and feel her breathing on my chest. This is the moment I have waited for for 9 months with the 2 years we tried to have her. She is perfection.

 8 hours later they had me up and walking.... or well hunched over a pillow waddling trying not to cry walking from my bed to the rocking chair and back. THE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE..... besides laughing while your stomach is cut open 20 layers deep. 3 days later we left the hospital and took our bundle of joy home. She is definitely the best thing that has happened to me besides my husband. We love her to pieces.