Feel like I could eat a horse

Oh the joys of pregnancy! One of the best but also the worst things is cravings. Some of us may or may not find the urge to sink our teeth into anything that looks remotely appetising, but either way I would see it as a win/win situation. If you don't get cravings then hey you don't have to worry about the weird looks people throw your way when you walk past holding what would seem either one of the most amazing or one of the most disturbing food mash ups ever. If you do get cravings you then get to use the excuse that it's your cravings so you need it. For example your partners decides to sit themselves down with one of the most amazing foods that looks like it's been cooked by the gods themselves, you can either pull those puppy eyes and beg or just straight up take abit and say "I have urges too!"
Some of us crave sweet foods, other salty... then there's those who want to mash foods together like custard and chips. I myself vary from day to day. One day I might desire to eat the biggest hot dog ever smothered in tomato sauce in a beautiful bouncy bun. Others i might want a bag or few of sweets. Never would I imagine combining the two but each to their own. 
Oh cravings... you beautiful thing. Until you can't have what your craving. Then it's just hell.