Drinking too much?

Annie • 23 years old. Diagnosed with PCOS & hypothyroidism. Married for 5 years. Ellie Rose 💕👶🏼 & Millie Jean 💕🤰🏼
Okay I have a serious question. Alcoholism runs in my family & I've always tried to be very aware of how much I drink to make sure I don't get too dependent on it or overdo it. 
I don't drink hard liquor (tequila, vodka, whiskey, etc) but I actually enjoy drinking wine. 
I see so many memes (I'll attach some) and mom videos of women saying they drink every night or they REALLY can't wait to unwind with a glass of wine at the end of the day. They're joking about it, but is it healthy to drink a glass of wine every day? 
So how much is too much? Is it a bad sign when you can't wait to have a glass of wine or feel like you can't survive the day without a glass of wine?
*in no way do I judge anyone who drinks every day. I'm genuinely curious how you know what that limit is and how you guys manage that*