What to do for a cold

my four month old has his first cold :( his coughs sound so painful and his little nose is so runny. he's having a hard time sleeping too. but we are out of town this week so can't take him to his regular ped and i don't think it's serious enough for urgent care so i don't want to make him wait through a long line for nothing. i've tried taking him in the bathroom with a steamy shower going to clear his nose but it only really works for maybe twenty minutes. do you guys have anything tips for helping him breathe better ? and is there anything i can do for his throat cuz it has to be getting raw from the coughing ? or do you think it's serious enough to take him to the urgent care ? he's still happy and plays while he's awake, just gets fussy at night and during nap times cuz his stuffiness wakes him up. i just wanna help the poor little one feel better 😔