Tax return share....not getting anything...

My ex-fiancé and I just broke up. I decided it was best that we remained friends. Before we broke up, he said he'd give me half and he'd keep the other half. Now that we are broken up, I understand that he doesnt want to give me as much (I currently have our child in my custody) but I asked him could I get a little just to start a car note. I need to be mobile and my current car was just totaled in an accident. I am currently a college student and am trying to find a job. I was a stay at home mother for a year today (today is her 1st birthday) In the mean time, I was feeding our child and us with wic checks and food stamps. Collecting diapers from my teen parenting meetings when we had none, getting free clothes from my teen meetings and taking our daughter to the doctors when she needed. I asked Him could I get a little money to start a car note. And I explained to him the many responsibilities I am trying to handle. He said "He can't" and that it's a "Girlfriend benefit". He said he'd pay for my driving school, but not my car note. I'm so sad. I just got my license and I just began to start my life off on the good foot until the accident. I moved to NC with my mother to find us a place and start school and he'd follow me when I found a place. He currently lives in MD. While I was down her faithfully looking for a place and defending our relationship, he was cheating with 2 woman. I am at such a loss. I'm going broke and I need transportation for school, our child's doctors appointments, a job so I can properly car me for her and have my own apt. But he says "He can't". He makes 13$ an hour and he claimed our daughter (since I was out of work). I am very sad and I don't know how to respond to his "I understand Erykah, but I can't" text. I just needed a vent. Thank you all for listening.