implantation bleeding

Okay so I been tracking my cycle and I'm norma 30-32 days.  Now that being said AF isn't due till Thursday 3/2... on 2/25 I had light spotting light pink in the am and darker at night throughout the day... then on the 2/26 & 2/27 heavier where I needed to wear a SN OR TAMP normal bleeding color. I had some cramps off and one for like 2 mins only on the 25.  Not like my usual (killer stab someone if I don't get food cramps)Thought we'll AF is here. Then today  nothing all dry.. AF still isn't due for 2 days.... I haven't taken a HPT yet..I have a DOC APPT on Thursday 3/2 ... could this be IB? Or something else?has anyone experienced this before?