
I'm 3 week PP going on 4 this coming Saturday, I made a quick trip to my OB today as my vagina has stared to itch badly and I wanted to make sure it was nothing I should be worry about. I had a 2nd degree tear giving birth and I had stitches. Now today when I went in she told me I was healing fantastic and I just had a few stitches down there and she was going to get them remove now 😳. I freaked out, I ask why? She told me so I can heal faster, I just didn't want her to removed them as I still experiencing pain down there. Well she have them remove it was the worst thing ever and now here I am bleeding again and feeling like I just went into labor all over again. I am in pain and very uncomfortable, did anyone else had a similar situation? Aren't she was supposed to wait for the stitches to heal on its own? I'm just 3 weeks and 2 days PP. Can someone please advise me? What can I do for the pain to get better? Going on the bathroom is hell again now. 😖