Rechecking hcg levels

I feel so lost. Monday afternoon I flew on a red-eye flight for vacation out of the country and noticed brown discharge before we took off. By the end of the flight I was having consistent cramps (period-like but not terribly painful) and red bloody discharge with passed clots. My husband drove us directly to the ER once we landed where they completed some bloodwork and a Transvag ultrasound. Based on my last period I should be 7w2d. My hcg levels were 2200 which the doctor wasn't concerned about but the U/S showed "no intrauterine pregnancy" (but also didn't show any masses or fluid filled collections either). They are concerned for ectopic pregnancy so i have to go back for another hcg tomorrow. This was our first pregnancy and I'm at a loss. Trying to stay hopeful that my levels will rise but deep down I feel that this baby is already gone. The doctors have told me to stay relaxed and hydrated (which was the original plan for vacation anyways) but how can you relax when there is a constant feeling of fear in the pit of your stomach? My husband feels just as lost. If anyone has gone through something similar please share and any advice for getting through this would be much appreciated. Thank you...