Birth story Csection

I just wanted to share a positive c section birth story because i know the thought of getting one is scary and for me it was the last thing i wanted. 
I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes when i had my 2 hour glucose test, with this result the possibility of a big baby and c secrion was very likely so my whole pregnancy i tried my best to stay on track with my diet. A week before i was scheduled to be induced, my last ultrasound showed that my son was a good size and that he would be able to fit through the birth canal. My inuction date came and i was ready! I was so excited that i can push my baby out. I headed back to my room and hung around for about two hours until i started pitocin. My contractions started coming pretty quick and i tried to last as long as i could til i asked for epidural. Still to this day i feel like this was so scary. My anesthegiologist was great, but i on the other hand was in so much pain it was so hard to keep still. After two attempts he was finally able to get the epidural in. I felt relief immediately but as my contractions got stronger and i laid on my sides, the epidural would only work on one side and not the other and the pressure i felt was so extreme. After this things started to move very quickly, i was 8cm dialated but things were not progressing and my babies heart rate was becoming difficult to read so they put a monitor inside me to keep tabs on the baby. This then showed that his heart rate kept dropping and oxygen was getting low. The doctor came in and stuck his hand in to see where i was and two hours later i am still at 8cm. They have me turning from side to side but my sons heart rate was still dropping and then a code had been called and i had to go in for an emergency c section! I cant even say i was terrified or scared, i felt like i didnt have any control of my body or emotions and i was just there. Every nurse on the floor rushed into the OR and gowned up and the doctor was right by my side and was keeping an eye on my babies heart rate. He had everyone calm down as my sons heart rate shot back up, we monitored and he asked me if i wanted to try for a vaginal delivery again because things got better and i agreed as long as it was safe. An hour passed and i still wasnt ready to push. The doctor didnt have an explanation but at this point we needed to get the baby out because the baby pooped inside me, and because things werent progressing at all so back to the OR we went but this time i was able to hug my family and my husband would be allowed to come back and join me. I was nervous this time because i was more aware but i was happy that i would be seeing my little boy soon ( doc said 45 minute procedure). 
I went back first and everyone gowned up and got me all ready. They numbed me from the breast down and double checked all around to make sure i was good and numb. My husband came in to join me and sat in a chair right beside me. My anesthegiologist was great, he was rubbing my head and talking to me the whole time reassuring me that things were going great. When the doctor cut me i felt like a tingling sensation but no pain. When they took the baby out i can feel a sense of weight being lifted and i almost felt lighter right away. I felt minor tugging but no pain at all. As soon as my baby boy was out they lifted him up and pulled the curtain down just a bit so my husband can take pictures. They spent another 20 minutes cleaning me up and putting me back together as i stared at my little one and my husband snapping pictures. 
The nurse handed the baby to my husband and took us our first family photo right there in the OR. After i was all stitched up i went to observation for two hours then off to my room. 
I was on bed rest that whole day, my son was born at 8:14am weighing 6lbs9oz. It is true he wasnt a "big baby" but he was slightly tilted which wasnt letting him get through the birth canal and the doctor said thank God he performed the c section because his shoulders were too big and they would have had to dislocate to fit him. 
I know this isnt the way i wanted things to go and i thought one of my biggest fears came true but it worked out for me in the best way. I am so grateful for the care i recieved from the moment i got to the hospital til the very day i left. I am now 9 weeks PP and i feel great. My incision is super small and i have no pain. I was able to walk the day after, i had regular bowel movements and was able to eat the day after. 
I hope this helps someone or comforts someone who is going to have a c section or induction. Sometimes things dont work out the way u intend but its the way it is intended to be!