I'm so pissed at my husband I can't sleep

He always goes to bed later than me because I sleep when my baby sleeps. My baby's first sleep is his longest stretch (6-7hrs) otherwise he's up every 2-3 hrs. My husband opens the bedroom door so loud and makes all kinds of noise in the bathroom and opening drawers and wakes me up and almost wakes up baby (who I put to sleep every night since he was been 3 1/2 months ago). He gets pissed at me for getting pissed at him for waking me up! Wtf! Then he goes and sleeps in our guest bedroom and closes the door so we don't wake him up in the middle of the night. And now I'm so pissed I can't go back to sleep. Also, I work too and need to be up earlier than him. 
Also, I went to the gym for an hour and while I was gone he couldn't get out baby to take a bottle, he use the bulb nose aspirator (which makes my son cry bloody murder) and used toilet paper to wipe his nose. He knows to use the nose frida and the boogie wipes! My son's nose was raw when I came home. I'm fuming mad!! 
End rant. What would you mommas do/say??