Alright ladies, I have been waiting a long time (9 months exactly 😉😘) to share my story. Now first off, I never thought I would be the one to be induced. Sure enough, I was. Baby girl was simply NOT MAKING PROGRESS. And let me tell you, after 2 weeks of being checked with no progress, I felt totally okay with being induced. So I went in on Monday night to have Cervidil - which softens your cervix. Cervidil is basically a medicated tampon and once it is inserted you must lay in bed for 2 hours (+/-) so it can set in place. If it falls out you must let the nursing staff know because it can make your canal swell, which is obviously the last thing you want when trying to squeeze a watermelon out. So mine OF COURSE started to fall out after the 2 hours, and I won't lie to any of you - the re-insertion of the Cervidil was so painful. 
After all this they say "Get some sleep, you've got a big day tomorrow". Well - to anyone who has been induced - you know just how funny that statement is. "Yes let me sleep through these contractions, see you in the morning!!"
10 AM rolls around (in labor now for 16 hours), and after saying I wanted to "feel what contractions feel like" (ROOKIE MISTAKE FOR ME, I SHOULD HAVE GOT THE DRUGS SO MUCH SOONER) I finally let the nurses know I was ready for epidural. Anesthesiologist was booked for about two hours, so I had to tough it out until she came. As soon as she arrived we got the epidural placed and pain relief was on the way within SECONDS. 
So now we are about 20 hours into labor, contractions are getting pretty close and baby girl is sunny-side up. Nurses have been working LITERALLY around the clock to get her to turn, by the use of birthing balls stuffed between my legs and different positions. 
FINALLY, 27 hours later, I ask the nurse "When do I know when to tell you I'm ready to push?" And she says "You know that pressure you feel during contractions? Well it won't go away..." So I say "Welp, READY TO PUSH!" 
My doctor (who also preformed my ovarian surgery 7 years ago) was there within 10 minutes and we had the most alert, beautiful, healthy baby girl. 
I write this NOVEL to you all in hopes that you realize that:
1. Long labors really aren't that scary when you see the goal line. 
2. Getting an epidural doesn't make you any less of a warrior woman. 
3. Having faith in your body and the medical team, or any team otherwise, surrounding you can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE.Â