needing positive vibes...

Stephanie • 💕 34, nurse, wife, mom! TTC #2! 💖
So yesterday I got my PAP results back, being 10w3d pregnant, and they believe I have cancerous and precancerous cells on my cervix. I don't have any STDS/STIS and never have... on top of my RN school tests yesterday, my anxiety skyrocketed. They're doing a colopscopy and vinegar test ONLY, as to not harm baby on March 30th and plan what to do after baby is here... I'm 29, fairly healthy.. no history of this in my family,  and just conceived after being told since I was 19 married to my (now ex) high school sweetheart, that I'd never have kids... I am so worried about my baby, I told them I didn't want to do anything that could cause him or her harm, testing wise, and they said they do only things that are safe for both of us at this time.. a little reassuring but the added stress and worry has me super emotional... has anyone else gone through this and results came back fine and baby was fine throughout it? I don't want to lose our baby Smith 😭☹️ just needed some outsiders' positive vibes... thank you for reading..