Breastfeeding questions..?

To start, I called lactation at the hospital I delivered at and they told me all the stuff I already had researched. 
Daughter is 6 weeks old this Friday; so I know she should be hitting a growth spurt soon. Since week 3 she has eaten non stop, never unlatches herself. I usually have to wait until she falls asleep or if I stop to burp her and she seems content. Being content after a feeding is pretty rare. I'm producing enough, I usually pump about 5 oz in the middle of the night when she sleeps through a feeding. She gained weight, has lots of diapers etc. Now she started spitting up quite a bit. 
Also, already gave up dairy at week 2 because she was screaming after every feeding. That has subsided. 
Does have reflux and is being treated with Zantac. I'm wondering if maybe this isn't working? And maybe she's eating to soothe her throat? 
Any other moms dealt with this? My concern is going back to work and her not being content with the bottles I leave.