feeling too many things!!!

Sara Jane
Today feeling angry. Got af and our fertility appt got moved back , as receptionist had made an error and brought our appt forward to Feb 20th from Mar 28th !! I was so so excited!! Then I receive a message that she had made a mistake booked us in when Dr wasn't even there!!!😡 It makes it worse because hubby's work are not v flexible as it is !! This is the second mistake by this receptionist !! She already accidentally sent some of our medical files through to my sister in law who is at the same clinic !!! My Sister in law was the one who told me , !! so not am I only having doubts about the whole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> road but I'm stressed even beyond words and sad and confused !! Maybe I should just throw in the towel , but a little voice inside my head keeps saying hold on ✨✨...I just don't know anymore 😢😢!!!!!