Help! Tearing question


When I gave birth I had 2nd degree tearing. About 1 week post partum i was no longer sore. It never hurt, it never burned when I urinated and no trouble pooping. It felt back to normal. At my 5 week post partum appointment doctor said it healed nicely but I had a bacterial infection which she prescribed meds for. 6 weeks hubby and I had sex and there was some dicomfort.

9 weeks post partum I went to the doctor because I was having lower abdominal pain since birth. Everything was normal (I had a pap smear). Still no pain with my perineum. About 11 weeks p.p. hubby and I had sex. No pain whatsoever.

Now here I am at 14 weeks post partum and out of no where my perineum is HURTING. tender, sore, burns when I pee and hurts to poop. I can't stand sitting or walking around either because it hurts. I've looked down there and everything still looks the same. I have a doctor's appointment but I am terrified that they are going to tell me nothing is wrong.

Anyone with advice, thoughts, or similar experiences?