can you guess how far along?

I know what the tech said when she did the ultrasound but I feel like she's wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have already had two previous ultrasounds that gave me a completely different due date than she gave me. This is not a transvaginal ultrasound and keep in mind I have a tilted uterus, it's sitting on my colon. I asked her for a transvaginal ultrasound and she refused stating she could see just fine, even though she was physically hurting me with how hard she was having to press down. Anyway, here's my little sloth baby strong heart rate of 175! Pictures aren't that great from what I've seen on here but like I said she was having a difficult time finding baby. I'm curious if anyone can guess age based on the development? I'm seeing other ultrasounds from women on here of how far along I'm supposed to be and I think they look much more similar than the ones that are how far along she said I am.