I had my baby in a emergency room

I'm finally ready to share my birth story. On January 30th , 2017 I woke up and went about my day just like any other Monday. I went to school ( I'm a freshmen in college) and after I got down with my classes I headed home. Otw home I started feeling really bad pressure at the bottom of my stomach and I thought maybe it was my son balling up like he had done a regular basis. So I finally make it home and I began drinking water. By this time the pressure was on and off and had made its way to my back so I ran myself a bath hoping this would help ( time check: this was around 2 or 3 pm) I got out of the bath and went and laid down. The pain was still being consistent and something In the back of my head told me I was having contractions but I didn't wanna believe it because I was only 29 weeks. Had turned 29 weeks that very day. So as I'm laying down I decided to call my doctor and get her opinion. I told her that I had been having pain in my lower stomach and it had spreaded to my lower back. And also during the time my contractions were happening I would place my hand on my stomach and I felt my uterus contracting. She told me to go to LD to get on the monitor and that I was probably just having minor contractions and I would only need fluids nothing serious. So this only discouraged me even more to go to the hospital because I didn't want to take a useless trip. Also I had not had any bleeding at that moment. I called my mother after I got off the phone. And she said that she would take me but she also doubted that I was in labor because I had no vaginal bleeding and also it was just too early! And she then suggested that I was having BH but I knew what those where like and they had never been painful for me. This was now around 4 almost 5 and my mom told me when she got off work she would take me. She got off at 5 so by this time. They were getting more intense and less time in between them.  But I just kept thinking they would go away and fought against it. (Also side note my SO had to go to work that night and I had texted him and told him that I thought I was having contractions and he shot me down also which discouraged me even more not to go the hospital) So my mother comes home. And I tell her I'll just wait it out. So I continue to lay on the bed. The pain is getting more intense. Fast forward to around 7 I'm otw out the door to the hospital. I get up to labor in delivery. I go into this room and she askes me what's wrong and I tell her she tells me to go pee in a cup. And this is when I discover that I am now bleeding 😩 I get scared but not too scared. So the laby tells me it probably just UTI and that she'll be out into the waiting room to check on my every hour until a room is freed up 😳 I wait for a little but the pain is beginning to get too much for me so me and my sister decided to to another emergency room. Thinking maybe if I get someone to check my cervix and they see that I'm actually in labor I'll be put on the top of the list. Seeing as though this is so early. I get to the emergency room and they were just like labor and delivery. Full! But they did put me in triage. Instead of me in the waiting room. Now I know that I should have been patient and stayed at LD. So by this time I'm screaming and crying and no one is paining me any attention. But the ball got rolling once I started leaking fluid and there was blood in it. Then magically there was a open bed. Skipping forward. They checked my son to make sure he was head down. And by the time my cervix was checked I was 10 centermters and my bag was bulging. Mind you I was in a emergency room and they were not prepared for this at all so they sent for a  ambulance to get me and take me back to the hopital I had just left from. So at this point Everybody is telling me to hold him in. ( the only person I had by my side was the dr, my sister was too scared to be by my side.  And my SO was at work 🙄) so I'm telling her that I can't hold this baby in and could she please go scrub in so she can catch him. But she's still trying to tell me to hold him in so I'm begging her. And so I guess she realized that I seriously could not hold him in any longer. So she started trying to scrub in. But it's too late. I lefted my legs up and his held was already out and by the time she had got over to the sink my baby was already out onto the bed. I was too scared to catch him or even look down at him. But I heard his little tiny cry and I felt him moving. So I was screaming for someone to come and save him. She finally got over to him and held him up for me to see. And my first thought was omg he's so tiny.  He came at 11:45. But in the end everything turned out ok some of the team from the other hospital came and stabilized him. It took them about 16 minutes to get there so seeing as though the emergency room wasn't prepared for a baby. They had to keep rubbing and sucking him to keep him awake and breathing. So now all I have to say is I thank God because it could've been worse and also ladies. It doesn't matter got to hospital for any little thing. Cause I really regret I didn't go sooner. But now he better and striving so fast. He's already month old. And this nicu journey is going ok.