Boy Oh Boy I'm Bumpin😊! Let me...

See your 18week bumps. My sister is a dwarf so my OBGYN wanted to make sure the baby was growing fine and decided to push up my 20wks ultrasound to 18wks 5days. I feel so blessed to be carrying this baby, it took us 9 stressful years to conceive . We found out it's a boy yesterday and my husband couldn't be any happier. He was lounging looking very content. I did some jumping jacks and stretching to wake him up because he was refuse to turn over and open his legs lol. I feel like this year have been one of my happiest years. I will be 30years old one month after the baby and will be celebrating my 10years anniversary to my high school sweetheart. I've been saving for my dirty 30 for years, I planned on going to South Africa with my girl friends to explore. Haha that's all out the window maybe next year.
Starting weight: 168lbs, 5'8"
Current weight :180lbs
Due date: 07/28/2017