Heavy Periods

I have always dreaded Aunt Flo's visits. I am a mess... extremely emotional, constantly popping pills for pain relief and heading to the restroom nearly every hour.  After three years of ttc, 4 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>'s, & 2 different types of fertility meds, I am finally ready to try a laparoscopy to see if there is something else going on.  
I didn't realize how heavy my periods were until yesterday when I went through half of a 16 pack of pads in the 7 hours I was at work. Then started reflecting on the fact that I feel most comfortable wearing overnight pads while at home, and that I go to bed some nights using a tampon with the overnight pad just so I won't have to get up in the middle of the night. I ignored signs or put them off because in the past I had doctors who weren't helpful. Now at 32 I'm beginning to see that these things aren't normal, and I had gotten so used it. Don't ignore this if it is happening to you.