Venting. Opinions?


Let me start by saying I'm 22 weeks pregnant with my second child, but I'm still a ftm because I lost the first 4 years ago early on and my mom and I do not have the best relationship. I'm her oldest and her youngest is 4. Well, I already have a high risk pregnancy and I'm being monitored closely because of previous health conditions and really bad sciatica pain. I work pretty much everyday of the week, where I'm on my feet most of the time. Yesterday, I was off for a doctor's appointment. I got to see my baby girl smiling for the first time and my heart is so full, I couldn't be more excited. I spent some time with my fiancé, we walked around and had lunch after the appointment. Then she called, no hello or how are you, and asked me to pick her son up from daycare because one of her friends called and wanted to hang out after work, I was already in the area so it wasn't a problem and we live in the same house. I brought him home, fed him, we played, and turned on the tv. Hours go by and he's asking for her, haven't gotten a call from her, and I'm tired with a headache because not only was I up early that morning, I have a human being growing inside of me. She comes home around 11:30pm and she's upset because he hadn't been washed up so she had to do that and was "so tired". This morning she calls from work, and I'm thinking "omg not again today", but she just called to bitch about how I could've washed him up last night, she's sure I'm gonna need help when I have my baby, and she has to "train me" (like I'm some kind of animal) on what it's like to have a kid. Me being who I am, said what I felt, and was like "you helping me would be greatly appreciated, if you so choose because I cannot make you" and she gets offended. How or why, I really just don't understand because she knew that she had a 4 year old at home waiting for her and she didn't have to stay out so late. No one else should come before your own child. If I was just living with my fiancé he would help when he wasn't working but he wouldn't be there all the time. So to me it doesn't really matter because I know what becoming a parent includes. I help her in PLENTY of ways, but I wasn't about to put more stress on my body and my baby by trying to shower a 4 year old for me to end up in the hospital or possibly losing another child. It's like she doesn't care, she doesn't acknowledge my depression, if I'm in pain she thinks it's funny, because she's "been there and done that", I don't get any emotional or physical support from her now, so I just really don't expect any from her later.