black coffee on a diet

Bri • Mommy of a 6 year old with a new addition on the way
Could drinking black coffee stall weight loss? I've been eating healthy for about two weeks and I've already lost 5 pounds im so excited but I'm worried throwing something new into the mix could throw me off but I'm missing my coffee. I drink it black with one stevia packet. Usually 2 or 3 cups a day I know that's a lot  😂😩 anybody got any tips or advice. I'm tried so many fad diets and I'm just so excited that doing things this way is actually working for me 
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Coffee is actually a natural dieretic it can only help


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As long as you're staying hydrated, it shouldn't have an impact


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I love black coffee. It will not slow weight loss. It's best to drink unflavored coffees as they tend to be more natural and avoid artificial sweeteners. I like to add cinnamon to mine


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Black coffee is good for you, I put tons of cream and flavor in mine lol and I refuse to give it up. I only drink one cup in the morning but hasn't affected my weight loss negetively at all


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No, black coffee is fine as long as you're not adding sugar.


Bri • Mar 3, 2017
Yea I add a pack of stevia


Mo • Mar 3, 2017
Try Stevia or Monk fruit sweetener in your coffee instead of sugar if you need it sweetened


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Thanks everybody 


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I drink black coffee on my diet because I read it speeds up your metabolism. Not only that but when I don't drink it I seriously have sugar cravings, so it definitely curbs my appetite which is a plus.


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Nope. I have actually heard that it can aid in weight loss since caffeine is an appetite suppressant.


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Nope. It barely has any calories.


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I don't think so. Some people use coffee as a pre workout (instead of the powder supplements). Black coffee usually only has about 9 cals per cup.  If you were adding the fattening creamer and sugar then I'd say yes it could hinder your weight loss.