eating bad during pregnancy

I feel like I've eaten poorly during my pregnancy. I'm 31 weeks and have gained 8 pounds, I've watched portions and don't over eat but I definitely don't eat good nutritionally. Like I will get a Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich and baked potato for a meal instead of a fried chicken sandwich with fries. But I'm still not getting fruits, vegggies, etc. I also have a cup of coffee and the occasional cup of coke. I started out over weight so I know I'm not going to gain as much as other people do, but I feel bad for not trying to eat better. I hate veggies! I've made better choices than I did before but I know they aren't great still. Doctors say baby is in the 66th percentile so he's bigger than average. Does that have anything to do with my poor eating? Scared I'm not supplying him with proper nutrition.