Breastfeeding momma needs help


I am struggling with what i should do. Baby is 7 weeks old. I have been breastfeeding along with formula supplementing as my milk came in late. C-section, 9 days early baby 5lbs 7oz. I am still not producing a lot of milk. Baby is still cranky after feeding. Don't have enough to feed baby all day, not like morning. Pumping isn't going well as i don't have time. Baby eats about every 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Wants to be held constantly when awake and needs to be held until falls fast asleep. So does not leave me much time to do anything. I don't leave the house really as l'm always thinking of when baby will need to eat next. What I'm struggling with is giving up breastfeeding all together and just going strictly formula.

Would like to hear some advice from other momma's that were in same situation.