I was scheduled for a csection for March 3rd

I was scheduled for a csection for March 3rd.. On Valentine's day I was feeling different felt contractions coming and going.. I call my husband and tell him I think Im in labor by the time he rushes home from work I'm now vomiting for no reason and remembered with my 5 year old that throwing up was a sign of labor also. He gets up stairs an my water breaks. I get to the hospital and I'm already 5 centimeters dilated before I know It I'm signing papers and there's a woman giving me drugs to "take the edge off" as she called it. (bless her soul) I was in and out and then my husband woke me up and said you ready babe? I waited asked if they started yet .. still waiting to hear my daughters cry.. waiting to hear that their okay ... and then it happen 2 loud strong cries. The feeling of relief hit so hard I couldn't help but cry... I felt great after my csection was in shock that I had gave birth on Valentine's Day of all days😍 my husband daughter and family were on cloud 9 .. my girls were big premies 4.5 and 5.5 there were no serious complications thank God but seeing my babies in wires killed me vs the 8lb baby i had 5 years ago.. we were in the Hospital for 4 days and it was the best experience. The nurses took care of my girls. I was there for every feeding . I couldn't allow pain to keep me from holding my girls they needed me. I would tell them every day Im not leaving with out you. my girls progressed fast an we went home. They came into this world together they were coming hom together.. my love bugs are now 2 weeks old an doing great. This app kept me going being pregnant with twins is an entirely different ball game and I'd do it all over again if I had too. [ but prefer not to ] lol . its been fun but Ill be deleting this app dont need it anymore.. thank you for all the help✌💖💋🍼🍼