Am I the only one?

My husband and I still hold our 15 month old until she falls asleep and then we lay her in her crib. We've never really been fans of the "cry it out" method. I totally respect other parents who do choose to do that, and understand it's best for some families, but we've just never felt that it was for us. Lately our daughter has been fighting us really bad to go to sleep and in the past it has always been fairly easy but she's never been that great at sleeping through the night. We're expecting baby number 2 in July and are starting to worry that she's still not sleeping fully through the night and that she's fighting it more. She's been through a heck of a lot her first year of life, battling on going ear infections for 6 + months that we just got over, and having some GI issues, along with your typical toddler teething I guess that's partially why my husband and I aren't too crazy about the whole cry it out method.  Am I the only one who is in a situation like this? Any tips from other moms?