11th anniversary today; spent most of it at the clinic

I hadn't been feeling well for the past week; long headache, feeling shaky before eating, and generally feeling under the weather. I'd decided yesterday I was going to see the doctor early and just get a check up.
Last night though, I was woken up by the WORST pain in my stomach I've ever experienced. For a few minutes, I honestly wondered if it was contractions. I was doubled over in pain and almost fainted from it (and of course, partner slept through this! Couldn't wake him up, he's such a heavy sleeper)
Got to the bathroom, and... Well... 💩x100. After this went on for over an hour, I finally crawled back to bed and passed out I was so exhausted. This happened a couple more times in the night, but with a little less pain...
I went to the doctors as soon as we woke up this morning. They gave me an emergency ultrasound as I couldn't feel the baby as much as usual, but the baby seems fine. Could be that my stomach is so tender, I can't feel their movements today. My doctor is still concerned that the pain was at the front of my stomach and not where it 'should' be for a bad stomach, so she's given me some medicine to relax my uterus, and I've got to go back next week.
My stomach just feels so bruised though. Even when she felt around, the pressure caused a lot of soreness. I guess our plans for our 11th Anniversary are on hold for a bit :( 
Booooo... 😔