Making pumping easier

Hello. I want to know if anyone has any tips or advice on how to make pumping less of a hastle. I am on maternity leave now so I am home and can breastfeed my baby during the day, but I will be going back to work soon and will need to have a good milk supply so whoever is watching my baby can bottle feed her the breasmilk. I don't need to have a year's worth supply in the freezer, but just a day or two worth. At first I was pumping like 4-5 Oz from each breast every time, but I've been slacking with pumping and my milk supply has gone down to like barely 2oz out of each. It mainly my fault for not pumping enough, but I just find it so hard to keep up, I don't get any sleep at night because the baby wakes up a lot and during the day I'm trying to get stuff done at the house in between her naps and I barely can find time to pump. Also all the parts that come with the pump are so annoying, I have to put it together every time. I just want to know what kind of routine to follow to make it easier. Please help, I really want to be able to breastfeed my baby, even if I'm not literally breastfeeding but at least I can bottle feed her.