Anyone else feel like they need to scream at their SO

or they won't listen? Just had the baby on Thursday. My SO is off for two weeks to help, many times do I have to tell you the baby needs an extra swaddle because he's cold (he got dinged by the nurse eventually)? How many times do I have to ask nicely for you to fetch the baby to nurse because I can't get in and out of the hospital bed with him, and you keep telling me he's fine or just don't get up, when they keep telling me he needs to feed often? How many times do I have to tell you I'm starving during a non-meal time? How many times do I have to tell you I need you to fetch something and then you decide you need to get an energy drink and use the bathroom first? How many times do I have to tell you that you're not supposed to use a freakin wet wipe on his penis for a week and I KNOW you were there to hear that, and then tell me you're just using it to tent so you don't get peed on? How many times do I have to hear you say how tired you are? How many times do I have to find basics not done, like refilling the water bowl for the pets? And then tell me I need to rest?!?!?!