mothers den at mall rant

Brittany • Mommy to a wonderful 12yr old boy, 9yr old boy 7yr old girl 6yr old girl and 3yr old girl. Due March 11th 2023 with a boy.
There's a mall we go to 45mins from my house that has a mothers den for breastfeeding moms to have privacy and it has two bathrooms that have small short toilets for little kids and diaper changing areas. My 6mth old is EBF so we went in there and there were two young teenaged boys and a teenaged girl just chillen in there. They only have 1 room with a door for breastfeeding and that's the room that one of the boys and the girl was hangin out in ( they had the door open) so I asked her if she was nursing and she said no so I told her I needed to use that room to feed my daughter. They left the room but stayed in the Mothers den just hanging out on a couch. It was weird to me. I didn't feel the teenaged boys needed to be in there at all. Mothers Dens are supposed to be quiet and comfortable and for mothers or fathers with small children.