When did you first drive after your C-section?

Lindsay • I'm 29, married for 5 years (together for 8). My husband and I are first time parents, having welcomed our little girl Avery on 2/17/17 ❤️, she is is the most fun little girl and we adore her!
I just drove for the first time (16 days PP). My OB said I am OK to drive when I can "comfortably push down on the gas/brake" (which I thought was rather vague). My husband goes back to work tomorrow (side note- super sad/anxious about that! Anyone else?) so this afternoon I wanted to try driving to the grocery store (few miles away) to see how I'd do. I felt perfectly fine driving, other than a little sore hitting bumps/potholes. I was rather sore walking around the grocery store though.

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