Finding strength to see my boy!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Amelia 🇬🇧
7am I was taken in to have a c-section, which I was so unprepared for!! But that's another story...
At 8 am they finally got him out of me and I heard my baby cry! The moment literally took my breath away it was so amazing!! Unfortunately he had fluid in his lungs and was having trouble breathing so they took him to the NICU. My husband went with him. Alone on the table was then the worst moments of my life, I was not totally numbed, they were tugging me so hard I was moving off the table, the pain was awful and all I could think was what was happening with my son and if he was going to be ok. I then went to recovery and waited. No one would tell me what was going on, the nurses don't like to distress you. Finally my husband came back to let me know he's ok! They just need to keep helping him clear his lungs. I was so happy I just sobbed!! It wasn't until later that day they wheeled me in to see him and the moment is hard to describe, every cliche saying applies. It was the best moment of my life, I'd never felt such joy and relief! The love I felt was truly overwhelming and I though he was just so perfect 😍 They wheeled me back out and if I wanted to see him I had to get up out of bed, and use a wheelchair to see him. It was excruciating pain!! 😖 But I did 5 times that night, because mothers find strength like no other to be there for their babies 👶🏼 ❤️💪🏼 
Logan Sean Sallade. 7lbs 20inches. ❤️