Pregnancy Scare/Mixed Feelings

Miss Te 😗
So my fiance and I missed a few days on our <a href="">ovulation tracker</a>. While having sex, after the fact without knowing, I told him I had to grab a condom, only to find out it was too late. Now we're talking about taking a Plan B, but it would be the second time I've had to take it. I know it isn't a form of abortion, but I still feel like it isn't right... It breaks my heart to know I'm preventing a life from forming in me, but I also know that this isnt the right time for us. I'm only 19, but to prevent again doesn't sit right with me. I've tried telling this to him the right way, but I just can't get it out. He's being so loving and understanding about it, he really is, but I feel like if I don't take it, he won't be happy with a child yet. What do I do!?