First OB Appointment Tips?!

Hey girls ☺️
How's everyone feeling these days? I, for one, am freaking exhausted. It is ridiculous how many things I DON'T do and I'm still super sleepy all the time! 
Anyway, according to my LMP, I will be about 9w on the day that I go to my first appointment. What am i to expect? I've never had a pap smear before (I'm 19, weird I know) so I'm not all that used to doctors looking at my lady parts and holding them open.. Did any of you ladies shave?? Your legs?? Lady parts?? I don't wanna show up looking like the Amazon, I shave regularly so it wouldn't make much of a difference to me, but I've never been in this position before, so I have no idea what's going to happen. What did your OB do on your first appointment?